Friday, February 1, 2008

Snow Day!

Today was Kate's first official snow day - clearly it was a bit hit.  We had a big snow storm overnight and ended up with 8+ inches on the ground.  It seemed like the perfect time to suit our little lady up in her frog snowsuit and take her out for a photo op.  Unfortunately the frog suit is still too big and Kate absolutely hated the process of putting it on (she had a hissy fit).  Apparently she has a short memory, though, and as soon as she was suited up, Kate wasted no time snuggling in for a mid-morning nap - she was asleep before I got out of the building.  A true winter baby, Kate's sleep could not be disturbed by the wacky dog (out of sight in these photos), the falling snow or her mother placing her in a snow drift to take pictures - we should all be so lucky.